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Learn more below about home pet stool tests and order a kit from Pet Worthy for your dog or cat . Although the rate of parasitic infections in the U.S. is generally low, it is still possible for a person to contract one. A healthcare professional will work with the person to determine the severity of the infection and what treatments will be most effective for them. Once the results are available, a person can review them with the healthcare professional.
Since there are 2 vials, that means you'll have 4 days of samples total...making sure you'll catch even rare, cyclical parasites. Collect and store the stool in a special container given to you by your health care provider or a lab. You may need to stop taking certain medicines before the test. Be sure your healthcare provider knows about all medicines, herbs, vitamins, and supplements you are taking.
Digestive Disorders Health Center
This toxin causes antibodies to be produced which causes an autoimmune type of reaction. This process slows down the bacteria cleansing process called the Migrating Motor Function. Learn if your gut health is affecting your mood and then improve it to feel happier.
Experienced Ph.D. parasite researchers won't miss your parasites - the lab technicians at Dr. Amin's lab all have Ph.D.'s, and have done parasite research all over the world . Their research experience makes sure they'll find even rare parasite infections. You then put the swab back into the tube , and ship it back to the lab with your stool samples. Is a bacterial gut infection that can cause digestive issues. But if left unchecked, Klebsiella pneumonia could travel to my lungs, become walking pneumonia, and lead to hospitalization...or even death.
How to prevent parasitic infections
Then take the sealed container to a clinic or laboratory, as instructed by your doctor. A technician will use dye and a microscope to look for parasites and eggs in your stool sample. In some cases, your doctor might order the test before you show signs of an infection.

These symptoms are nonspecific, so a healthcare professional may not immediately suspect a parasitic cause. As a result, they will likely order additional testing to rule out other possible causes. Only healthcare providers licensed in their state may order laboratory testing. Use the button below to find a healthcare provider in your area. The parasitology test can help reveal parasitic infections and enable you to target treatment protocols geared toward infection resolution.
Are there any risks to the test?
Parasitic infections are relatively rare in the United States, but it is possible to contract them. I'm glad I bit the bullet and spent the money on this test. It was very informative, I learned a lot about what's going on in my gut. I completed this following the CBO protocol and parasite protocol and it verified that the work I had done was worth it. My Health Coach was very knowledgeable as we walked through the results.
Sign up and get the latest pet health tips, news, articles and alerts delivered monthly to your inbox. And get the latest pet health tips, news, articles and alerts delivered monthly to your inbox. Researchers are unsure whether it is a parasite or just mucus or intestinal debris. This usually occurs through eating or drinking contaminated foods or drinks.
What else could be causing symptoms of parasites?
Severe diarrhea is a relatively prevalent health issue in the U.S. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Biomarkers, references ranges, results, and all other data may differ from actual reports. All data included in no way represents an actual patient. Any comparisons of results to actual patients, is completely incidental. All information and images are not to be reproduced without prior written consent from Genova Diagnostics. Genova's diagnostic testings helps clincians to uncover the root causes of dysfunction and guide their patients to optimal health.
Once the lab receives your stool sample, any pathogens that are collected on the Swab are cultured and will grow on an agar plate, or petri dish. A culture and sensitivity report is generated that lists antibiotics that the pathogen is resistant to and most sensitive to. This report helps doctors determine which antibiotic will be the most effective at killing the pathogen. You should get your results within 2 to 3 weeks after the lab receives your culture.
You will need to take your sample to the lab as soon as possible. If you can’t get there right away, refrigerate your sample. The collection bottle usually comes in a plastic bag that you can seal it in. But we always encourage people to work with their doctor to make sure treatment for any positive tests is handled correctly.
Based on your test results, your doctor will recommend treatment or other follow-up steps. For example, they may prescribe antiparasitic medications. The goal of treatment is to relieve your symptoms and kill any parasites or other disease-causing organisms in your system. If your stool tests positive for parasites or their eggs, your doctor will prescribe treatment to eliminate the infection. Many just want to get tested for parasites & candida, but the symptoms of a parasite infection and a bacterial infection can heavily overlap. This at-home test checks for 31 parasites, 5 fungi , 12 gut bacteria and 11 other markers of digestive health.

So if you have a diagnosis of IBS, you need to dig deeper into your gut health to find out why you have symptoms like diarrhoea, bloating and constipation. The symptoms of parasites are also the symptoms of many other conditions. In fact, all of the above symptoms can also be symptoms of IBS. A toxin is released most likely due to food poisoning which is called Cytolethal Distending Toxin. You may feel like you have an “acute” gastro infection.
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